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—EUREKA: Modern Russia is moving towards an innovative way of development
— 25 Июня 2010, 13:29As far as you know Russia has received a full participant EUREKA membership since 1993, over 17 years ago. Since that time we have participated and generated more than hundred EUREKA projects. In accordance with the Russian Government restructures, rights to represent national interests were delegated to different Ministries in progress. For instance, the Russian Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology had represented Russia for EUREKA till 2004. After that Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation continued EUREKA cooperation.
Due to economic turbulence, we keen on development of industrial sectors. Herewith, we have decided to activate potential of my Ministry on the way of EUREKA. In the near future, we would like to consider issues of access to EUROSTARS, Clusters generation, projects of SME support, the easing of access of small businesses to financing, fulfillment of administrative and legislative bases of small businesses, improving of the environment for SME, the easing of access to information, technology. Foreign experience with SME support can be adapted to Russian circumstances and can be used by commercial, governmental, and not-for-profit organizations.
Long-term development of the Russian Federation for a period up to 2020 assumes an innovative scenario as a priority. In order to implement this scenario, the Russian Government is taking active measures to: improve regulatory framework, include the development of small innovative businesses, develop of innovation infrastructure, Increase considerably, funding of R&D.
Nine billion budget of national program for fundamental and applied research was approved. The Russian Government is going to spend 20 billion in this sphere.
A new Federal Program: «Development of nanotechnology infrastructure in the Russian Federation» and «Development of the electronics and radio electronics” have started since 2008.
The Russian Government is taking active measures to improve the innovation environment. Government established the following institutions: Vnesheconombank, «Russian Nanotechnology Corporation», “Russian Venture Company”, ”Venture Innovation Foundation”. They were designed to create conditions for large-scale production of innovative products to stimulate the development and introduction of new technologies. Recently adopted federal law allows academic institutions to establish small innovative enterprises to implement SMEs scientific potential into business processes.
Modern Russia is moving towards an innovative way of development. Public institutions are getting first experience in this field. It takes time, so we have started to build it and the initial results are positive.
Finally, we believe that EUREKA will be a bridge to the Russian Federation to enhance innovative industrial fields of our common economic space.